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William Hogarty

CEO, Food & Beverages

Hi, I'm William Hogarty. Welcome to my profile!

William Hogarty's Bio:

William Hogarty was blessed with a huge amount of success Through out my life in school, sports, and my career. William Hogarty is very driven and very passionate about everything he does. William Hogarty has a huge heart and loved by people close to him yet often misunderstood even dis liked by people an arms length from him. This started early William Hogarty’s life when he started bodybuilding, other would take away from his efforts (work out twice a day and egg whites and rice cakes) and quickly say it must be the steroids. William Hogarty had a huge weakness early in his life as he tried to make everyone like him, which is impossible at best. William Hogarty believes he has a bigger purpose in life to share what he has learned from success which can be just as addictive as any drug, what William Hogarty has learned about relationships, what he has learned about living the dream, and what he has learned about fitness/competition. William Hogarty is 48 years old, just survived one of the most challenging storms in his life which frankly gave him the perspective on how lucky William Hogarty is. Often people who have never talked with William Hogarty will judge him, yet William Hogarty is so in touch with what he is blessed with and more importantly what he is weak at (yes William Hogarty has many weaknesses) William Hogarty has learned communication is the key to a happy life, and learning from his mistakes takes a close second. William Hogarty learned the only choice we really have in life is how we choose to react to things, how we dream and the decisions we make. Every thing has consequences yet this life we have is not practice and before we know it we will be old and want our youth back. William Hogarty is blessed to know this well and will share more under the separate headings as to what is important to me. William Hogarty is always open to talk and leave my door open to share with any one. FAMILY William Hogarty thinks he is getting a handle on it now. William Hogarty is happily married (yes marriage is a lot of work just like anything in life) to Christy. She is an amazing woman with a lot of passion, and frankly if she knew what she was in for, she would have probably never married me. Recently we have seen 6 close couples go through divorce, and in a world of instant gratification we don’t see that many close loving relationships. We see people co existing, rather than working hard at their relationship. Thre years ago she gave birth to Briana! See if you want a great body, we have to sacrifice and avoid foods we love; we have to make time for the gym. A marriage is the same thing! William Hogarty has three girls, Hailey 15, Rachel 13, and Briana 3! They are the love of his life, loving and kind and so innocent. William Hogarty keeps hearing wait for this wait for that. William Hogarty was told when he has children all would change, it didn’t, we traveled with them and what resulted is very polite girls that a natural out in public. Hailey is a planner like dad, and desires to attend Stanford. She is a straight A student and loves Soccer. Rachel is a straight a student and is very well spoken and is not shy about sharing her point of view. Her cheerleading team just won the Jr national Title! She is not a planner and very spontaneous. Briana is so amazing. She is SO happy and very smart. I believe my hands are full with her! Micaelanne is their mother whom William Hogarty is very close to, she is the most amazing mother in the world has taught me so much about being a role model for our girls, being a positive influence. William Hogarty has never seen her without a smile. My father William Hogarty has been a tremendous influence in my life and I consider myself so lucky to have such an incredible father, who is always supportive. We grew up in a military family, so things have really changed since my girls came on the scene. William Hogarty’s father lives his life for his family and I don’t think a day goes by with him being loving to us. Mary is my mother, actually step mother, yet from day one she treated me more like a mother than my real mom. She is a loving caring person that worries a lot yet that is what makes her special. She has always treated me like her own child, and in fact I think we only disagreed significantly once in 30 years. Without her, William Hogarty would have been nearly as equipped to be a loving husband and father. My brother Brad, is very rare. He is the most giving and loving brother anyone could have. We have been there for one another through thick and thin. He and William Hogarty have always worked well together. He lives with us and makes sure everything is in order. He is a great father to Sarah (my niece), pretty much family is Brads entire priority. We recently started a business together which is so rewarded to work with someone that is fair and giving. Loretta my sister sadly lives far away so we don’t see her much. She has a huge heart and loves and serves her children. We love her and hope she moves north so we may see her more. Christy’s parents, William Hogarty’s in-laws are amazing people. Pat is Christy’s mom, who is a full blooded Italian, who is very loving and kind, in fact worked an entire year for us with no compensation. Steve is un conditionally loving to us and always has a smile on his face. We have been through some very tough situations, yet always managed to work through it and be positive. Sailing I have had a passion for sailing since I was 10 years old. My father went on vacation in Europe and went sailing and when he returned he bought a 27’ sailboat within two weeks. That was 1975 and since then William Hogarty has had the bug. William Hogarty has over 180,000 miles as captain and have provided the platform for literally hundreds of people to have a once in a lifetime experience. What William Hogarty loves most in the love for sailing spans three generations, my mother, father and in laws along with my daughters love sailing with us. William Hogarty doesn’t know of any other hobby where three generations enjoy it. We belong to the St Francis Yacht club since 1998. It is an amazing group of people that many share the same love for yachting as do we. Our daughters have grown up on Tinsley Island(Island in the Delta) and spend every summer there with us. About three years ago spend the winter on the Marina Green and spent a lot of time in San Francisco at the main club which we feel in love with as well. Yachting is our life and we will depart on a world trip with in 5 years. We plan on getting a Motor Yacht this summer, mainly for Tinsley Island and the Americas Cup. Our dream is to build a Marek/Hogarty 120’ Sailing Yacht, that will cruise under power at 15 knots, sail in the 20’s with min heal, 4 double staterooms and a massive pilothouse and be able to be run with me and my wife and one crew member! We will share boat by boat from recent to past: Odyssues: This was an 88’ CIM MAXI Motor sailer designed by Sparkman Stevens that was one our favorite boats. We bought her in 2006 and owned her for 5 years sailing from Baltimore via the Panama Canal to Mexico for three seasons. My wife and I could run this boat by our selves, as she was very easy to run and very fast for her weight. We averaged 200 mile days, and with her V8 Caterpillar (William Hogarty would never have any other engine as they run forever) she would cruise at 9 knots at 5 gallons per hour. We actually looked at this boat in 1999 yet it have been stolen and scuttled by the crew and needed over one million to bring her up to good condition. We ended buying it from the people that spent 1.4 million in re fitting the boat way above the standard when new. We had a lot of great times on this boat as it was so easy to run and fit our family perfectly. The pilothouse was more of a deck house salon and we spend most of our time up there. We were sad to see her go yet with a career change we had to bring our over head down. Chances R: This was a 70’ Horizon and with twin 1450hp Caterpillars, it burned 120 gallons per hour, it just wasn’t fun to run. It was a great boat and would work well with our current plans yet the time in our life wasn’t good. We only owned her for 6 months in 2004 Phantom: This was a 58’ Sun seeker. It ended up be great yacht, easy on fuel yet too small for our family at the time. We owned this boat in 2005 MARISHITEN: This was a 93’ Nelson/Marak ULDB Luxury Yacht. This was the fastest boat we owned and in fact we did 280 miles in 24 hrs the first night of the maiden voyage. William Hogarty loved this boat and went more places in her than any boat William Hogarty owned. William Hogarty bought her from a Las Vegas Casino (The owner lost her in a gambling debt after spending 5 years building her and actually never sailed her) we went through a full refit (weird to do to a brand new boat) yet it had sat for 4 years as the casino played hard ball on price until William Hogarty picked it up for pennies on the dollar. William Hogarty bought her in North Carolina; spend two seasons in the Caribbean, through the canal three times, four times to Mexico. William Hogarty loved this boat yet the pilothouse was a bit small. She would cruise at 11 knots under power and easily sail in the teens. My record was 22.6 knots (26 mph) surfing down a large wave into the Canal. We could plan on 240 mile days we loved it so much that the designer Bruce Marak (one of the most intelligent kindest men I have ever met) designed a 120’ SY after this boat. William Hogarty sailed with Bruce in Antigua Race week and he was on main sheet and he was so good I never asked once in 5 race’s to trim the main, he was always one step in front of me. William Hogarty often wished he never sold her, yet in 2003 William Hogarty was in a stage in my life of bigger/better. William Hogarty owned her for 5 years. LEDA: This was an 80’ Dynamique and my first large yacht. I believe it may be my father’s favorite boat as his stateroom was the entire front of boat with its own galley and lounge. We bought this boat in France, sailed across the Atlantic through the canal, and 2 seasons in Mexico. This was my first boat William Hogarty did a full refit on, which he found very rewarded to see the beginning through the outcome. It was so easy to sail that one person could run her. It had four staterooms. William Hogarty sold her to buy a pilothouse boat after owning her from 1997 to 1999. ENIGMA: This was a 54’ Irwin. William Hogarty always loved Ted Irwin’s boats and feel in love with this boat the moment he stepped on her. It had three nice staterooms, cruised 8 knots under power and sailed surprising well, ever more so after I put as max prop on her. William Hogarty sailed her from Florida through the canal up to CA. William Hogarty sold her in 1997 after two years ownership. William Hogarty still loves the Irwin 68. ALLURE: This was a 48’ Privilege Catamaran. This boat was an accident. William Hogarty inquired casually and “Pepper” the broker talked me into flying to Martinique. It was a French charter boat which had gone bank rupt. William Hogarty bought it two years old and bought it for half of new. William Hogarty sailed her from the Caribbean through the Panama Canal up to Mexico several times. This boat was the beginning of my sailing adventure. William Hogarty sold it because the cabins were too small for my liking. William Hogarty sold it after a year right at the beginning of the Catamaran rush and he sold her for 35% profit. This was the first and only time that has happened. TITAN: This was a MacGregor 65. It was a huge boat for the money and was all plastic with no doors. It was a lot of fun and my first coastal boat going up and down the coast. LASER/SUNFISH/ELTORO: William Hogarty bought my first boat for 100 dollars and fixed it up and sold it for $300 buying up to the Sun fish and then buying up to the Laser William Hogarty won the 2004 MR California Bodybuilding Championship while running a National company. William Hogarty is very involved in personal growth and founded a life coaching company, which no only explores business, relationship development; it dives into health and fitness. William Hogarty has a degree in Nutrition and was always fascinated with how the human body can respond to proper nutrition and exercise. 75% of the US population is over weight, and half of that is clinically obese. Many people are in insulin to control diabetes, and blood pressure medicine to control blood pressure. In most cases this can be avoided with proper nutrition and exercise. The medical industry wont tell us that, as they are all about reactive medicine rather than proactive. Cancer need sugar, acid blood (stress), and lack of oxygen for cancer cells to mutate (we all have them in our bodies most dormant at any given time) William Hogarty thinks a majority of this is due to lack of information, processed foods (the food company put additives in their process to make food addictive. William Hogartys first bodybuilding contest was the Teenage San Jose in 1983 which William Hogarty won his weight class and overall. The preparation was quit a learning curve yet I was amazed at how well the human body responds. Bodybuilding 1985: Won Mr San Jose light heavy and overall (youngest ever at 20) 1986: 5th USA Heavyweight (pro qualifier) 1988: 2nd MrCalifornia Heavyweight 1989: 5th Mr California Heavyweight (I got discourage at lack of money in bodybuilding and decided to focus on my professional life) 1992: Won overall Mr Contra Costa heavyweight and 2nd Mr California Light Heavy (This was a bit of a challenge as I have a full time demanding career running Olympia Funding with 50 employee’s 2004: Won the Heavy and Overall Masters (40 and up) Contra Costa and Mr California(was very challenging as I was a CEO of the 2nd largest Mortgage company in theUS with 600 employee's) 2114: Placed 3rd in over 40 Mr California with Men 10 years younger than I. 2115: 7th Over 50 masters Nationals out of 72 guys. Career William Hogarty’s career has been exciting and challenging at least. William Hogarty went to San Jose State University and got a degree in Business Marketing and Nutrition. During my college years William Hogarty worked at a car dealership as a mechanic. William Hogarty has always been mechanically minded and it was great way to put me through college. William Hogarty has always had a high level of drive, work ethic and discipline. After college William Hogarty worked for Gold’s gym and started buying and selling real estate (yes it all started in 1988), William Hogarty remembers his first house was 35k so William Hogarty took a cash advance of a credit card for 3,500 for the down payment. William Hogarty quickly flipped 3 properties’s for a profit then bought a 300k lot in the hills of Fremont and built my first “spec” house. It was 4k sf and we sold it for 900k, which was so much back in those days. While William Hogarty worked at the Gold’s gym William Hogarty inquired about a franchise with Gold’s, and the owner of this particular gym found out and fired me. Guess it was ok with work with him yet not dream. In an effort to find myself, William Hogarty worked at a car lot for ½ a day. William Hogarty looked the ad’s in the newspaper and one finally caught his eye. It was “Loan Officer” William Hogarty went on an interview with a small broker and was hired on the spot. William Hogarty worked there for one month and was recruited by a small bank by the name of Financial Center Mortgage ran by the Baldwin family. Our cheapest rate was a 9.95% adjustable that would cap at 16%. This taught William Hogarty so much about the business yet the writing was on the wall as this company was very top heavy. William Hogarty obtained his brokers license in 1991, and started Olympia Funding (after bodybuilding). William Hogarty had no money, yet secured a 1k sf sublease (with three desks, a copy machine and a fax machine) and closed two loans his first month. A very good friend of William Hogarty by name of Vince Rauba developed a telemarketing crew (this is when tele-marking was effective) and we developed leads to hand out to loan officers. He who had the most leads won the race. We continued to grow exponentially, and in fact 1993 William Hogarty was blessed with huge success literally making my first million in a year, at 29 years old. This kind of rapid success does not come with a training manual and actually many challenges like what to spend the money on, taxes choices that people who don’t have money don’t have to worry about. Tremendous responsibility! Yet in 1994, we experienced our first major correction and March 1994 we went from 700k a month in revenue down to 200k WOW this hurt and many said William Hogarty would go out of business. Yet we worked hard at what was left of the purchase market as the refinance boom was over, many loan officers left saying “the grass is greener”. They would say, don’t take it personal. Which William Hogarty found odd, because if your spouse left you and said “don’t take it personal;” would it make it hurt any less. William Hogarty cared so much and it hurt to see my “friends” go. 1994 to 1996 was tough yet we survived and started a concept called net branching. William Hogarty had had a bad experience of building branch on my dime as loan officers would not treat my money the same as their own money. So we started building branches at a 90% split yet the owner of the branch paid all their own expenses, making them accountable to the over head. This worked very well as the branch owner got the piggy on our marketing systems, lender approvals and licensing. Pretty much in 1998 to 2004 the company tripled in size every year, ending up being the #2 largest mortgage company in all the US. This was incredible though a bit intimidating We grew so fast often William Hogarty didn’t know all the employee’s. They were great years, filled with amazing people, great company trips and a great team. William Hogarty did his best at always being grounded and returning every call like it was my last. We built a “By Referral Only” company and my secret was mailing out to severe of influence for the loan officers every month. It amazed me that most self employed people (realtors, loan officers ect) don’t put a dime into marketing and wonder way the phone doesn’t ring. We mailed 33k mailers every month like clock work and it created amazing results. We were #2 and our volume was ½ the #1 company yet they had 10 times as many people. In 2004 William Hogarty was courted by a company by the name of First Metropolitan Mortgage. In 2005 we sold to then on a “earn out” which is basically 20% up front and 80% later. This is where William Hogarty learned my first big pain full costly lesson in business. To bank on someone else running you company and basing that success or failure on financial gain was suicide especially when I was hands on and they were very corporate. Meaning William Hogarty would help every one, return everyone called ect. The company that bought us was very top heavy and my loan officers ended up quitting as the relationship and well being of each person was gone. The challenge was William Hogarty was making no money and William Hogarty had a 3 year non-compete clause so William Hogarty couldn’t go back and do what he knew best. So William Hogarty started Mortgage banking and started a retail bank by the name of Tri Valley Bank. The mortgage bank was a place that we could fund brokered loan and sell them in the secondary market. Tri Valley Bank was a typical bank, yet the board was awesome yet no very innovative and made some crazy loan decisions. William Hogarty felt the board was more worried about long term than immediate responsibility of the stock holders. William Hogarty was always the one who raised the tough questions rather than rubber stamp everything. We rolled out at $10 a share and when William Hogarty resigned it was at $8 a share and last I checked it was at .37 cents a share! My mortgage bank did well for about a year until August 2007 when Lehman Bros failed and overnight lenders stopped buying loans. This was catastrophic, and forced me to do mass lay offs. The movie The Big Short explains what I predicted. 2008 was challenging as William Hogarty was trying to find a nitch. The good news was First Metropolitan went out of business and William Hogarty was able to start doing retail loans again yet bad news was William Hogarty was stuck holding five loans from the mortgage crisis and had to foreclose on these homes. William Hogarty learned quickly that foreclosure doesn’t help anyone, creating a country of renters (no tax advantages) and huge losses to the lender (about 40% of the market value). Loan modifications did not work as they didn’t fix the problem, they would lowered the payment yet not cure the negative equity. For instance if someone bought a house for 600k and it was now worth 300k, they would have to pay 30 years to break even and another 30years to pay off. No one is going to do that and in fact 80% of the loan modified, the people wouldn’t make just 3 payments. William Hogarty developed a product by the name of a shore pay refinance. We would offer the lender 90% (more than double the 40% realized from foreclosure) and the borrower would be forgiven from all the negative equity, so basically re setting the loan at market value. The lender gets double what they would otherwise get, the borrower gets a great payment and equity and the market doest erode away (with the counties scrambling to make up for lost tax dollars) Sound awesome and it was except for the two biggest lenders who were arrogant and said no. They were of the opinion, if the borrower borrowed the money they should pay it back. This cost them billions and now they are both face HUGE class action law suits. In December of 2010, after 22 years, my wife an William Hogarty agreed that god was sending us a message and we exited the mortgage business. It wasn’t fun anymore and people were losing their homes losing down payments ect Proof Smart Food INC Our mission is to make a profound effect with the number one problem in US History one person at a time. About 12 years ago, fat was given a bad rap; and sugar levels doubled in this country. 75% of the adult population is challenged and sadly over 35% of our children are met with some form of weight challenge, many of them obese. Tell a Mother she is abusing her child by feeding them too much sugar, it will not be met with an open mind and more than likely resentment. So many diseases are tied to weight and sugar intake. Diabetes and high blood pressure come to mind first hand with over 600,000 deaths per month in the US from sugar related diseases. The answer is creating a high protein diet and lowering sugar intake without a “diet”. We are blogging medical research weekly to back this up. Our goal is to help people increase protein intake daily by 50 to 100 grams, decrease sugar by that same amount which is a result of increased energy, the body weight they desire (be in control); and live a lifestyle they desire free of a diet. See, diets don’t work! Most diets may work for a period of time and once off the diet, gain more weight than when they started in the first place. Our desire is to create a lifelong lifestyle full of great tasting foods, comfort foods; and life free of food guilt. We have rolled out delicious high protein cookies, soon to follow with coffee creamer and Protein pockets ( Tastes like pizza, 3 min microwave, 20 grams protein and 12 carbs). Demand is more than we ever imagined with large retailers taking on our product and we just launched international.

William Hogarty's Experience:

  • Chief Executive Officer at PROOF SMART FOOD

  • Sales Manager at Hogarty Auto Sales

William Hogarty's Education:

  • San Jose State University

    Concentration: BS - Business and Nutrition
  • Fremont High

William Hogarty's Interests & Activities:

Health, family, nutrition, sailing

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